Galerie Bromer AG
Corporate Website and Online Shop for one of the leading Swiss art galleries with over 1600 m² of exhibition space
A virtual mat
In the spacious premises of the bromer kunst gallery, Swiss and international art is continuously presented in thematic and artist-specific exhibitions. Additionally,, the gallery's eShop, offers approximately 1300 artworks from over 200 internationally renowned artists for sale. Art collectors are also given the opportunity to sell artworks via the platform.
Our design task was to provide both the company website and the online shop with a new framework that allows them to be showcased, seen, visited, and used even better. Professional, innovative, established – and at the same time with a certain something.
We opted for a "digital passe-partout" that, on one hand, expresses connectedness and, on the other hand, does justice to both platforms: The corporate website provides detailed information about artists, exhibitions, news, and services and quickly connects to the company's social media channels. The online shop enables targeted searches by artists, themes, colors, and other details. Users can gather information, make inquiries, request offers, and ultimately, purchase art conveniently from home.
- UX/UI Design
- Design System
- Responsive Design
- Drupal 8
- Drupal Commerce
- Drupal Thunder
- Pattern Lab
- Foundation
- Solr
- Second Level Support
The design consciously holds back to create visual space for the artworks. Black, white, and shades of gray define the color scheme, while the company color magenta is used sparingly to highlight interactive elements.
The parallel development of and, and the use of Patternlab allowed us to develop many elements and components only once and use them on both sites. Details in typography and color as well as specific differences in page functions still ensure a distinctiveness of the two sites.
The long-standing experience with Drupal and Keytec's specialization in Drupal can be experienced in the collaboration every day. Questions regarding the operation of the application or new Drupal modules are promptly and professionally answered with deep detailed knowledge. A thousand thanks for the quick support and reliable maintenance of our application.
Main Features
Drupal Commerce
Drupal Commerce is used to run e-commerce websites of all sizes. It was developed as an e-commerce framework, which provides customers with extensive possibilities for their own development. A variety of business models can be realized with Drupal Commerce.
Responsive Design & Pattern Lab
All HTML components of the website were consistently pre-built in Pattern Lab and then reused by Drupal. By decoupling the frontend in this way, the different templates could be quickly created in advance and tested independently. The powerful frontend CSS framework Bootstrap is used for the website's responsive web design.
Thunder Distribution
The Drupal 8 distribution Thunder is optimized for the requirements of content managers. Under the leadership of Hubert Burda Media, the system was assembled as open source software in 2016. Keytec is a certified solution partner: Certified Thunder Integrator (CTI)
Ich möchte mich an dieser Stelle für die Leidenschaft und Hingabe bedanken, mit der Ihr das Projekt umgesetzt habt. Insbesondere die Performance der Drupalanwendung ist hervorragend. Das nächste Projekt steht schon in den Startlöchern.